ALMET Marine’s Kit Offer
Under the name of “aluminium building kits”, we offer all range of products and services useful to our customers, in addition to the sale of standard products: 1- 2D cutting of pieces for forming and welding (underwater plasma cutting). 2- Marking with a permanent pen on the pieces to reference bending lines, and any other […]
Nesting is our first skill in the cutting process to get your boat in kit. To optimize this step, and above all, its result, some preconditions need to be specified. Types of cutting files The exchange of files is based on 2D .dxf files composed of different layers. We can work on files coming from […]
Underwater submerged plasma cutting : Plasma technology allows to cut all conductive materials, including aluminiums and stainless steels that are incompatible with cutting with oxyacetylene torch. Plasma jet is obtained by the combined effect of a continuous contracted arc and a gas. As for a molecular sawing, the metal to be cut melts and is […]